Simply Delicious French Toast

The only thing better than fried bread is fried bread with egg. I know fried foods are in general considered a no no. However, there are healthier ways to do fried, if fried is what you are doing. While I do not condone even with healthy ingredients over indulging in this delightful dish, I can say you can in moderation and properly done make this a healthier choice than most cereals you eat. Here is how I make my Shabbat French toast.

0916161026.jpgI make sure I use bread void of HFCS (high Fructose Corn Syrup) at a minimum and preferably organic, today that wasn’t an option.

0916161025 Cage free eggs, as many as you need for your family.  Obviously organic cage free would be most ideal, but if on a strict budget can find cage free eggs at Wal-Mart for under $3.00 for a dozen.

0916161026a.jpgalmond milk (without carrageenen, preferably not processed in a factory that uses dairy, like that does a lactose intolerant person any good, but check the label there are products for sell that includes dairy.


cinnamon powder keep that sugar regulated,


a pinch of salt, iodized sea salt a great healthy salt option.


1 tbsp of balance complete, multiple ways to use this vitamin and mineral fortified powder.

and cooked in organic coconut oil



Cotton Candy Grape Smoothie

1/4 cup frozen cotton candy grapes (the Grapery)cotton_candy_slide

A unique nongmo hybrid grape that mimicks the taste of cotton candy.  When you freeze these and use them later it just adds such a unique flavor.  Only available seasonal and may not be available every where.  This is an excellent substitute for candy.

5 frozen muscadines – the Beauty of smoothies is that you get the added benefits of the whole part of the fruit, including the seeds.  In this recipe whole muscadines are added and by using a Nutribullet you are able to have it pulverized so that the taste of the seeds is blended in with everything else.  Causing you to be able to take advantage of all the Muscadine has to offer and it is much that it has to offer.  Rich in soluble and insoluble fat consuming the entire food gives you access to all it’s rich nutrients.

Ellagic acid is being studied for its anti-cancer and tumor fighting abilities. Ellagic acid is considered a way to treat and prevent cancer. In 2007, The National Institute of health (NIH) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) published the results of their studies of Muscatine grape skins in the Cancer Research Journal. What they found was in laboratory experiments an extract of the skin of muscadine grapes inhibited the growth of prostrate cancer cells.

Natural Health 365

1/3 cup spinachSpinach has an extremely high nutritional value and is rich in antioxidants. It is a good source of vitamins A, B2, C and K, and also contains magnesium, manganese, folate, iron, calcium and potassium.

Body & Soul Health Benefits

1 radishIt is also a good source of Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Calcium, Magnesium, Copper and Manganese, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Folate and Potassium.

Nutrition Data

1 Brazilian nut – Brazilian nuts are high in natural selenium which is known for its ability to help fight cancer. Selenium has antioxidant properties and may help protect cells from damage.

1/4 cup raw oats

7 apricot seeds – Contains high amount of vitamin B17 known for it’s ability to help fight Cancer.

World Without Cancer a very highly recommended watch.

2 tbsp sunflower seeds

1/2 cup almond milk (chilled)

1 frozen banana


2 drops Grapefruit Essential oil (Young Living)

Grapefruit essential oil adds a citrus twist to your smoothie.  It definitely enhances the flavor, but in addition to aiding the flavor their are some benefits that makes using irresistible to your health.  The primary benefits of Grapefruit essential oil is to support healthy metabolism, reduce mental and physical fatigue exactly what you will need to keep your weight and diet on track.  Again this 300 drops of blessing is also reasonably priced for high quality oils @ $22.04.




Balance complete is another young living powder supplement.  While it is not dairy free it definitely adds more flavor to your meal.  The added bulk it provides also helps make it more filling to eat.  Excellent not only in smoothies but you will also find other recipes that combine this ingredient.  To place an order for your Young Living products click here.



Garden of Life makes excellent products, no fillers, whole food based,


organic, and packed with nutrients.  Best of all for it’s quality you get a fair amount of bang for your buck, and at a price that doesn’t break the bank.  Making it easy to stay healthy and give that extra boost to your smoothie.  I add 1 scoop of this powder to every smoothie to ensure that I get the maximum amount of alkalizing green benefits that I can take.  While it may affect the color it doesn’t affect the taste.  You will be pleasantly surprised at the flavor in this smoothie.

Perfect Food Energizer – RAW Organic Green Super Food Powder, 282 g (30 Servings), Garden of Life – $30.25
Retail Price: $43.21
You Save: $12.96


Louisiana Style Mex Fiesta Rice

The key to eating the things you enjoy without gaining the unhealthy weight is using the healthiest ingredients with the most amount of nutrition and the least amount of alterations, and moderation. This main course meal provides you with healthy protein from grass fed beef, healthy grain from organic brown rice without the enriching ingredients, and fresh from the garden bell peppers and organic onions. Make your main dish the garnish on your plate and your surrounding vegetables more of your main course and you will maximize what your body needs and have much better success in your weight loss goals. Follow me on I will be providing tips for how we can change the way we eat without sacrificing flavor to get the shape we want.

Slique Sweet Smoothie


Order your bottle of Slique Essence and begin adding something sweet to your life.

Follow me on WordPress, Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest, and learn more about how to make some sweet slique recipes.  Add a little essential oil into your life..

Add 2 drops of slique to this smoothie to give it a minty fresh taste.


Retail: $34.21

Become a member and get it for $26.00

Want to get it for FREE!  Click here to find out how you can add this weight loss support supplement into your kitchen cabinet for FREE. Saving you $34.21…